Vivere’s Authenticity: A Place Like Home

“Creating beauty that enhances the overall experience,” this is how florist of ten years, Ferdinand D. Layco, describes his art. Who would think that every flower you see in Vivere’s halls were concocted with the magical touch of their own in-house florist? Each flower is dedicated to refine even the taste, smell and feeling of each event. From 15 minutes to 2 hours of arranging flowers, the art of floristry takes commitment and Vivere is all about commitment when it comes to providing top quality to its clients.

From the detail in the shades of color in each flower to the quality of fabric used in a sofa, Vivere provides a unique experience in every room you enter. In-house carpenters and painters work hand-in-hand to breathe life into the furnishings. Engineer Ariel D. Remo takes pride behind the work that lets him savor the grand words of ‘wow’ as guests enter their rooms. His team continuously refurbishes the furniture to appeal to millenial trends, making sure that the seat you rest on will continue to satisfy your sensitive needs and add flair to your visual palate.

Now, imagine walking into the same kind of room but with a fresh set of eyes. Each room is uniquely designed by Vivere’s in-house interior designer who considers it a privilege to forge a new identity to every chair and table in the hotel.  Just as artistry made within the hotel is nurtured, so are Philippines’ artisans – you can experience Tagaytay with their soaps and even as far as Ilocos and Baguio with the indigenous materials they used in their room’s creative designs. In fact, even the most miniscule item is fit to match their motif of a peaceful home.  Likewise, the most important element of the room feels right at home. The mattress, sheets and the bed itself is carefully handpicked to provide utmost comfort. All that exhaustion from work and travelling can be swept away with a good night’s sleep at Vivere. Find yourself at a place like home with their friendly staff and dedicated workers that provide you the authentic experience.

Article written by Angelee L. Carandang