How to Plan a Great Debut at Alabang Hotels

How to Plan a Great Debut at Alabang Hotels

How can you plan a great debut at Alabang hotels?

  1. Choose a fun theme
  2. Prepare great music
  3. Know who will be attending through RSVP
  4. Hire a personal assistant
  5. Make your eighteen wishes unique
  6. Prepare some outdoor fun
  7. Bring fun card games for your guests
  8. Prepare memorable art activities


Turning 18 is one of the most memorable parts of any girl’s life. When you finally transition from being a girl into an adult woman.

The best way for any woman to celebrate her 18th birthday is by having a great debut at Alabang hotels. Yet, we know how stressful it can be to plan one. So that you can focus more on enjoying your special day, we prepared a list to tips to make planning for your debut much easier:


Choose a fun theme

Choose a fun theme

Decide on a great debut theme first, allow a lot of freedom in terms of decorations for your party events place in Alabang and second, refrain from demanding guests to spend so much on their outfits.

Debut themes that fulfill both options are:

  • University (make guests dress up in their university colors)
  • Masquerade (all guests are required to wear masks)
  • Halloween

Don’t be afraid to find inspiration for your ideal theme!


Prepare great music

To make sure you have good music the whole night, you should:

  • Have a playlist of songs which matches the debut theme.
  • Mix a good amount of music styles from different decades to appeal to both old and young guests.
  • Combine popular hits and underground songs to keep people guessing.
  • Make sure your music matches your ideal party mood. Do you want the mood to be energetic? Push for a lot of dance hits. Do you want it to be calm? A lot of jazz music could work.
  • Push the DJ to make his or her own remix of songs to make your party playlist stand out from other debuts.


Know who will be attending through RSVP

Know who will be attending through RSVP

It is always smart to assume that not everyone who is invited will be available on your debut day. To save money, prioritize setting up an RSVP at the start of party preparations through Facebook.

To make an RSVP on Facebook:

  1. Click the Events Bar to the left of your computer screen after logging in.
  2. Once you are on the Events page, choose the option or create a “debut” option by pressing “create event”.
  3. Since you chose a private event, the RSVP options will come out as “Going,” “Maybe,” or “Can’t Go”.
  4. Just invite the people on your friends list and just wait for their responses.


Hire a personal assistant

A lot of people are scared to hire a personal assistant because of the costs, and the celebrant’s relatives are usually confident in their abilities to plan parties. Yet, hiring one can be a worthwhile investment. They will be worth your money thanks to their expertise and knowledge from years of experience, planning will be a breeze. Alabang hotels, who have held parties in their different for many years, will usually offer an assistant to their party celebrants and relatives.


Make your eighteen wishes unique

Make your eighteen wishes unique

When it comes to eighteen roses, it can get boring to just stick with the normal flowers. To make this activity more unique, skip the roses and ask your guests beforehand to switch the flowers with another item that you love. Maybe ask them to give you 18 books, songs, or bracelets. The choice is up to you!


Prepare some outdoor fun

There is no one way of celebrating your 18th birthday. While most people desire to make their debuts extravagant and fancy, with expensive dresses and all, there is no manual saying you have to do that. If your heart is yearning for a more casual party, why not add some outdoor fun?

While you hold the 1st half of your birthday in an events place at Alabang, the second could be held outdoors with some fun activities. Physical activities your guests will enjoy doing outdoors are:

  • Swimming
  • Competitive games (tug of war, water balloons toss, obstacle course)

If you plan on having outdoor games, it is best for your guests to stick to a casual dress code and to inform them if they need to bring extra clothes. Have an on-stage karaoke.


Bring fun card games for your guests

Bring fun card games for your guests

Guests may come way before you as the celebrant arrives. This can be very boring. Mitigate that boringness by offering one fun card game for each table to play with.

Fun card games include:


Prepare memorable art activities

Art is a very fun way for guests to express themselves and have fun memories. All you need to do is provide some acrylic paint, brushes, and a form of canvas for them to paint on. Let their creations become a memorable keepsake of your 18th birthday.

Activities where they can memorable and artistic keepsakes are:

  • Shirt designing
  • Decorating mini clay pots


Key Takeaway

Your 18th birthday is the day you stop being a girl and become an adult woman. It is something worth celebrating with a special debut party. While you may feel that there are debut ideals you have to aspire for, what matters is that you make one that feels right for you.