Why Staycations at Hotels in Alabang Are Great Christmas Gifts

Why Staycations at Hotels in Alabang Are Great Christmas Gifts

Why staycations at hotels in Alabang make great Christmas gifts?

  1. They give a memorable experience to your loved ones
  2. They provide an opportunity for rest
  3. They refresh and rejuvenate people’s minds
  4. They give people peace of mind


It is the time of year again when you have to use all of your brain power to come up with ideas about what to gift your loved ones for Christmas. Right now, you’re probably thinking about items like shoes, electronics, makeup, and clothes among others.

But instead of giving them the usual wrapped present, why not surprise the special people in your life with an all-expense paid staycation at a hotel in Alabang? It is not only different, but it could be something they really need.

So many people refuse to take a vacation because they think it is a hassle. But not doing so actually negatively impacts their quality of living. Just think that when you’re not allowed to take breaks at home, you are more likely to become tired—both physically and emotionally.

Still not convinced why your loved ones deserve a vacation this Christmas? We listed some items below for you to check out that will support this idea. Continue reading!

 They give a memorable experience to your loved ones

They give a memorable experience to your loved ones

Getting gifts and money can make you happy. But this feeling is usually fleeting. Material things fail to give your loved ones lasting happiness because they eventually get used to them. Your sister may have jumped for joy when you gave her a new laptop, but after a few months, it will merely be seen as a means to do her work.

However, the experience of traveling to a new city for a staycation usually has an opposite effect. According to Psychologist Howell, these special moments tend to make people feel happier and more alive as time goes by. The main reason people experience this is that they feel closer to the family and friends they’ve travelled with. This just goes to show that no matter how independent humans can be, their long-term happiness is still based on social bonding.


They provide an opportunity for rest

Does your friend always seem to be sick with a cold? It could be because they have not had proper rest all year thanks to work.

Stress has become a way of life for most working adults, taking a great toll on their health. Chronic long-term stress can do horrendous things to your body by weakening your immune and digestive system. When your immune system is down, your body finds it difficult to fight off viruses, resulting in you getting a cold. On the other hand, tummy aches and GERD happen more frequently due to weak digestion and stress.

The quickest fix to all of these issues is a staycation. It allows you to catch up on sleep, making your immune and digestive system recover. Your heart starts to go back to normal because your body is able to relax.

This year, it might be good to give an all-expense paid vacation to your constantly sick loved one. It may just provide them the time to properly recover!

They refresh and rejuvenate people’s minds

They refresh and rejuvenate people’s minds

Whether people like it or not, work demands them to be constantly productive.

Unfortunately, the more hours people spend in the office, the less productive they become. According to economist Pencavel, employees are most efficient when they spend only 48 hours in the office per week and yet so many of your loved ones probably go beyond that.

However, thanks to the time they spend in their staycation, they will be able to come back to work with a refreshed and rejuvenated mind. Essentially, this allows them to restart their efforts to be productive and effective in their roles. 


They give people peace of mind

A staycation at a hotel in Alabang can bring peace of mind to your loved ones in many ways.

For one, they don’t have to deal with the stress that comes with vacation planning. Second, being in a different place pulls them away from their usual routine, making them forget the stressors that haunt them day and night.


Key Takeaway

Although material gifts are nice (to give/receive) for the holidays, gifting an experience like a staycation is unique and offers a variety of perks to the receiver. This year, consider giving an all-expense-paid hotel staycation to your loved ones (or even to yourself)!

With this gift, you are not only making their holidays happy, but providing them with a way to de-stress, unwind, and take a much-needed breather from the stress of their day-to-day routines.