Let’s Combat Covid 19 Together

Dear Valued Guests,

Vivere Hotel puts priority on your safety and security. Here are the precautionary measure we are taking to reduce the spread of COVID-19 virus:

At Vivere Hotel, Public Health Protection is given importance.

  1. We had a compulsory attendance to an Awareness Seminar on Covid-19 and required staff to share their recommendations to family members and friends.
  2. Employees, visitors, guests’ temperature is taken by the employee and hotel guest entrances. TRIAGE for guest is done by the nurse (history where guest has travelled).
  3. Campaign, posters and departmental meetings remind staff to take Vitamin C, frequently drink warm water, gargle with salt and water, have quality and enough sleep, self-care. Employees were taught to sneeze using tissue, dispose then wash hands after. Develop the habit of frequent hand washing, and not touch the face.
  4. Emphasis on Self care and Protection, Respect and Responsibility. Employees with colds, cough, body malaise, etc. must stay home.
  5. Public Area, CR and Elevators, etc., then telephones, doors, etc. are disinfected too every 2 hours apart from morning and night thorough disinfecting of the whole hotel.
  6. Greetings only with a smile and bow (no more shake hands) and no speaking inside elevators.
  7. Advisory and updates in our Company GC re Covid 19.
  8. Sales calls through the phone as much as possible.
  9. Alcohol bottles and hand sanitizers at hotel entrance and available for public use in every floor and strategic areas.
  10. Vehicles are disinfected after every guest use especially coming from airport.
  11. We have fresh air into our corridors that replace fresh air and this system may help prevent inhaling viruses going to their rooms.
  12. We start each day with a prayer.

Thank you. Keep safe. God bless!