Ways to Have a Memorable Vacation While on a Budget

Ways to Have a Memorable Vacation While on a Budget

What are ways to have a memorable vacation while on a budget?

  1. Have A Staycation
  2. Research Budget Friendly Deals
  3. Plan An Itinerary
  4. Pack Snacks To Eat On The Road
  5. Go To Places Unique To That Area
  6. Eat Like A Local


Having a memorable vacation does not always correlate to having a huge budget. If you are savvy enough, you can form new memories all while staying within your set budget. Whether you are having a staycation at Alabang hotels or if you are exploring other places in the Philippines, with the proper research you can make the most out of your money’s worth.

Read on to learn about the tips and tricks to having a memorable vacation while on a budget.

Have A Staycation

Have A Staycation

One of the easiest kinds of vacations to have on a budget is a hotel staycation. If you and your friends are looking for a short but memorable vacation, book a hotel room for a couple of days. Alabang hotels are home to a number of high-quality facilities and amenities in order for you to have the most fun experience within its walls. You could enjoy some room service or you could go out and try world-class dishes at its buffets.

Certain hotels also come with deals that allow you to experience the surrounding area on a discount.


Research Budget Friendly Deals

Do your research well to find any good deals in the area that you are interested in going to. Promos and deals can be huge cost savers as the area wants to invite more people to experience specific activities. You will be able to try a new and memorable experience without spending too much. Try to look for hotels and other places you can stay in that may be holding special promos for the month as well. By saving your money in these activities, you will have more to spend during your actual vacation.

In order to maximize your budget for the trip, it would be best to plan an itinerary of the places you will be exploring and the costs you are expecting to spend.


Plan An Itinerary

Plan An Itinerary

There are two perks to planning an itinerary. One is that you can already pinpoint the best locations for you to go to. Another is that you can carefully budget your trip to fit your savings. Planning an itinerary can also give you a heads up about the quality of the services of different areas. It can inform you on the secret locations you can visit as well as the places you should probably avoid.

If you are expecting a long trip, you can also stay within budget by packing snacks for the road.


Pack Snacks To Eat On The Road

To prevent yourself from hoarding up on snacks during a pit stop at a gasoline station, you can save up better by packing snacks and drinks for the road beforehand. You can buy chips and other snacks along with bottles of water and other refreshments in bulk to prevent you from needing to buy during your pit stops. It can also keep you refreshed and satisfied during your long car ride.

You are going to need all the energy that you could possibly have to explore your vacation area.

Go To Places Unique To That Area

Go To Places Unique To That Area

To have a memorable vacation, go to places unique to the area you are in. This does not refer to the popular tourist spots, as prices in these areas tend to rise. There are bound to be a number of hidden treasures found around whatever area you may be in. Inquire with the locals as they probably know the best secret location that you can explore that would not require a huge entrance fee.

Take caution though as these places might not have the same safety measures as those found in tourist hotspots. You can also ask locals about places to eat in where you can try their delicacies for the cheapest price.


Eat Like A Local

Be adventurous not just in the places you go to, but also with the food that you eat. Look for restaurants or other places to eat in where you can taste authentic dishes of the area. The burst of new flavors in your mouth might just surprise you. If you thoroughly enjoyed the dish, you can even ask the cook for the recipe so you can try to recreate it back home.

These are just some of the ways you can have a memorable vacation while on a budget. Do your research well for you to have the most fun and the most adventure-filled vacation without breaking your bank.


Key Takeaway

Whether you are going to avail of promos at Alabang hotels or if you are planning on going on a new adventure, being smart with your costs can help you save up a lot of money. Do not be afraid to explore less popular places as these can be cheaper than tourist hotspots. Choose to take risks and opt for new experiences. Take note of these tips and tricks to help you have a memorable vacation while staying within your budget.