How to Plan a Corporate Meeting in a Hotel

How to Plan a Corporate Meeting in a Hotel

How do you plan a corporate meeting in a hotel?

  1. Set up your meeting goals and agenda
  2. Inquire and reserve an event space in a hotel
  3. Send Invitations to all employees
  4. Prepare early during the meeting day itself


Conducting a business meeting is an important order of business for any company. From important announcements, plans, to new policies, a business meeting is a crucial event that helps a company coordinate together and put every important matter into focus.

While most corporate meetings are held at company offices, one of the best locations that help emphasize the importance and significance of a corporate meeting is by hosting it in a quality hotel in Alabang or other parts of the Metro. A hotel not only provides a great venue, but it also has some of the best features and amenities that help turn a meeting into a very important company event.

Finding and reserving a venue in a certain location are not the only factors of planning a meeting. There are many factors to put into consideration to achieve the goals that the corporate meeting aims to set. Here are the important steps that you have to take when planning a business meeting in a hotel.


Agenda Planning

Agenda Planning

Before choosing and reserving a venue for your corporate meeting, it is important to have the whole program planned out. Your agenda must contain the goals and objectives of the meeting to identify its purpose, the date and time of the event, transportation plan, and a list of people attending.

Setting up all of these plans beforehand allows you to identify what amenities and features you would need in a hotel, and ensure that the whole event would be able to proceed smoothly. Once these have been settled, the next step is to find the best hotel for your meeting and set up a reservation.



Once the meeting has been planned out, looking for the right hotel to host your meeting is the next important step. Reserving a hotel has many factors that need to be put into consideration. These factors include availability and location, as not all hotels have vacant event venues during certain dates while choosing the most convenient and accessible location helps make traveling to the venue a much more comfortable experience.

Cost is the next factor to consider, as you would only have a set budget when arranging a meeting. Maximizing your budget allows you to provide the best corporate meeting experience, and utilize a full set of amenities. Aligned with cost are venue size and access to facilities. Corporate meetings can be either small events conducted by a single team, a whole division, or a company-wide event where all members are present.

Taking note of the amenities and features that a hotel venue offers is very important, as some hotels would be able to provide the right arrangements and equipment that would help you conduct your corporate meeting. These pieces of equipment can include speakers, projectors, and screens.

After being able to find the best hotel that would suit your needs and equipment, you can now inquire for a reservation. Hotel reservations can be done through emails, calls, or even through a contact page on the hotel’s website itself. With the amount of connectivity that is available today, reserving a hotel room or function room has become a much easier experience, making the process of arranging corporate meetings much more efficient.




Once the venue location and schedule has been settled, the next step is to invite all of the members that must be present on the meeting day. Invitations can now be done online, which is more efficient, as you can be able to instantly track people who would or would not be attending in just a few clicks. This will also help you adjust accordingly, as you might need to accommodate less or more people in the meeting venue if needed. It is also important to send invitations at least two weeks before the event in order to make sure that everyone would be able to adjust their schedules accordingly and attend the meeting.



By the time the meeting day happens, it is best to prepare all important arrangements ahead of time, and that means arriving at the venue ahead of the attendees. This will help iron out important matters, and scope out issues that might affect the meeting schedule. It is best to test out the equipment as well, as a meeting’s flow would be greatly interrupted should technical difficulties happen. Checking out the number of chairs and tables present is also important, as you would need to accommodate everyone, and prevent the trouble of having to add or remove furniture in the middle of the meeting. A well-prepared meeting will not only help the meeting proceed without difficulty but also make the event successful overall.


Key Takeaway

Corporate meetings are very important company events, which is why proper planning and coordination will help you arrange your own hotel meeting, and provide the best experience for you and your fellow employees. If you’re planning to book a room or event venue, simply click here!