Hotels in Alabang: The Secrets to Turning Your Stay into a Memorable Experience

Vivere Hotel & Resorts

4.3 4.3 Star Rating for Vivere (608) Google Reviews

5102 Bridgeway Avenue, Filinvest City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City

(02) 771 7777

Staying at hotels is one of the few luxuries in life that we don’t always get to enjoy. There usually has to be a special occasion that calls for it or a business matter that requires us to be at a certain location. It’s rarely done out of desire and want – at least, that’s how it is for most of us. Which is why every time we check in at these hotels in Alabang or any other area, we always want to make the most of it.

As easy as that sounds, it’s a really difficult thing to do especially if you’re purely staying business. You get so caught up in business matters and discussions that you don’t get to enjoy your stay. These business trips are also too short to let you wander off and have fun. And even if you’re there for leisure, sometimes you still don’t get your money’s worth due to your own fault or the hotel’s.

In the end, these hotel stays make for bad experiences that leave you with nothing but bad memories. Often, they’re bad enough that even your future hotel stays are ruined and you are forever discouraged to book them. It isn’t supposed to be this way, though. Hotel stays are supposed to be fun, relaxing, and memorable. They’re a great way to connect with the people you love or just have some quality time for yourself.

Whether you’re there for business or leisure, your stay should be enjoyable. You should make life-long memories out of it. Although sometimes this can be difficult, there are different ways to achieve this – starting from getting your bookings right, acting as the ideal safe, keeping yourself safe and many more. These are the things we are going to share with you today – the secrets to turning your stay at hotels in Alabang into a memorable experience!


4 Common Hotel Booking Mistakes to Avoid

Booking hotel accommodations have been made easier with the introduction of technology. These days, you can book a room with a click or a swipe. But despite working with a more convenient booking process, many still make mistakes. Mistakes that end up making or breaking their hotel stay, and mistakes you want to avoid.

We’ve listed the most common hotel booking mistakes, so always keep them in mind when you’re looking to stay at hotels in Alabang.


Expecting to Get the Best Rooms

When booking your hotel accommodations always keep in mind that you won’t always be getting the best rooms especially if you’re making a reservation on-the-spot. Your room may not have the greatest view, it may not be close to any of the facilities you plan on using, you may be surrounded by rowdy neighbors – these things can happen.

Although it is completely possible to get the perfect room, don’t always expect for it to happen. Of course, you don’t have to lower your expectations, just keep them realistic. Hope for the best but expect the worst, as the saying goes.

If you really want a first dibs to the most luxurious rooms, then consider joining hotel loyalty programs or booking directly from their website. Often, hotel management prioritizes the people who do these and give them room assignments with better views.


Assuming You’ll be Treated Like Royalty

Don’t expect for hotel management to bow down to you and bend to your every whim because there are absolutely zero chances for that to happen. While it’s true that hoteliers want only the best for their guests, they won’t be able to honor all of your requests.

As much as they want to, it’s simply impossible because you’re not their only guest. There are at least a hundred more guests like you who are probably making the same requests, and they want to treat everyone with as much fairness as possible.

So, if our motto for the previous point was to hope for the best but expect the worst, for this one it’s just best to expect nothing. If you want further assurance, call your hotel prior to your arrival to see if they’ve agreed to any of your requests.


Booking During the Wrong Times

People either book their reservations way too early or way too late and both of these have ugly consequences and will cost you extra money. Booking way too early can be a problem if your plans aren’t yet set in stone. Plus, there’s too much time in between where a lot of things can happen.

As for waiting until the last minute, there’re fewer chances for you to get the room you want. In fact, you may not even get a room at all. Hotel rates can also sky-rocket especially if you’re planning to book during the holiday season or when a special event is about to happen. Weather can also affect rates, but you don’t have to worry about that too much if you’re just looking to stay at hotels in Alabang.

There’s actually no definite guideline for when you can book hotels and the best you can do is to start your search for the best deals 40 days prior. During this time, closely monitor price trends and swoop in if you see them go up. If the trend suggests that they’ll keep going down, then wait patiently until they’ve hit the lower they can. You might also find package deals, so keep an eye on those.


Ignoring Customer Reviews

There are hundreds of review sites and apps available through the internet. There’s one for restaurants, bars, shops, and hotels. Visiting these sites and downloading these apps is extremely beneficial for you as the customer reviews listed there will give you a rough idea of the place – from the quality of service to the condition of their facilities and even the taste of their food.

Reading customer reviews is just like research. There’s a method behind it. You have to avoid reviews that are left by trolls and those that were obviously paid for by the hotel. Go for unbiased reviews that were left recently to get the most accurate picture. It can get taxing to sift through thousands of reviews, but it’ll be worth it in the end.


Hotel Etiquette for the Perfect Guest

Hotel staff is tasked to handle all kinds of guests and they take pride in accommodating even the most finicky ones. They’ve probably seen and experienced it all – the divas, rock stars, and just the snarkiest people. And as much as they want to avoid them, they kind of have no choice. It is their job and, in their world, the customer is always right.

We’ll say it now: nobody likes these people – not the staff and most definitely not the guests. Sometimes they can be so disruptive that they start to ruin the hotel experience for everyone in the building. These are people who have no respect for hotel etiquette and should not be imitated.

If you want to be the perfect guest that everyone loves and the hotel staff would willingly and happily accommodate, then follow keep these hotel etiquette rules in mind:


Regulate your Noise

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to you that hotel rooms are placed right next to each other and sound can easily pass through the thin walls. With that in mind, try to keep your noise levels to a minimum so as to not disrupt your neighbors. If you want to go party, then do it at the hotel’s bar and not inside your room.

You can also apply this rule when you’re roaming the hotel floors and facilities. You never really know the people behind the doors. They may be from different lands and time zones, so your afternoon laughter and shouting can ruin their good night’s sleep.


Keep your Room Tidy

People are quick to forget that the furniture, appliances, and items in their hotel room are actually no theirs. All those are public property and you need to use them properly out of courtesy and respect to the hotel management. Although hotels do have housekeeping services, you should still do your part by keeping the place as tidy as you can. It will also benefit you once check out time comes. Since you have all your items neatly stored in the right places, you’ll find packing your bags quick and easy.


Follow Hotel Rules

You’re pretty much left to do whatever you want when you’re staying at a hotel. There aren’t that many rules apart from their dress code and specific guidelines for using their facilities. There are also unspoken rules related to noise and attitude. All in all, these hotel rules are pretty simple and easy to follow, so there should be no reason for you to ignore them.


Respect the Atmosphere

When you’re staying at a hotel, you need to be hyper-mindful of the people around you. Before you barge into a room or facility – spa, lobby, pool, bar, or restaurant – survey the area and feel the energy that the people are putting out. If it’s quiet, then maintain the peace; if everyone’s having fun, then join in mingle. Put simply, read the room and match its vibe.


Say Please and Thank You

Letting people know that you appreciate their work, no matter how simple and small the service, will make you out as a friendly guest. As a result, they will grow to like you and this leads to better and faster customer service. A positive attitude can also infect other people and turn their bad day around. In the end, everyone stays happy and things flow a lot smoother.


Ensure a Safe Hotel Stay with These Tips

We’re almost near the end where we tell you the secret to turning your stay at hotels in Alabang into memorable experiences! There’s just one more thing we have to discuss before we get there – safety. Security and safety should always come before the exciting adventures and fun experiences. Simply follow these tips to ensure a safe hotel stay:

  • Always stay with your luggage upon arrival because it could be snatched at any moment, especially if you walk to the lobby ahead of it.
  • Try to avoid the ground floor since they’re too easy to break in. Experts suggest staying at rooms located between the third and sixth floor, but you can go higher if you want.
  • Ask for another room if the hotel staff shouts out your name or room number during check-in.
  • Never set your valuables down on different counters and tables. That’ll just make it too easy for any thief to get them or take a quick photo of the important details.
  • Don’t release the valet before you finish checking your room. Keep him/her until you’ve looked in, under, and at everything.
  • Check the locks of the room and use them even when you’re inside.
  • Use the room safe to store your valuables. They’re there for a reason, so take advantage of that. You can also use the hotel safe if you’re doubting the safety of the room safe.
  • Report lost keys to the hotel management immediately. Don’t always assume that you lost them because there is a chance that they were stolen.


5 Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Hotel Stay

Staying for a week? Over the long weekend? A couple of days? Or just overnight? The duration doesn’t matter! Here are some tips and trick to make the most of your hotel stay and turn it into an unforgettable experience?


Early Check-ins, Late Check-outs

Not a lot of hotels accommodate early check-in and/or late check-out requests, but you can give it a try. These aren’t odd requests and hotel staff is pretty used to it. What you can do is call them ahead of time to give them a heads up that you’re coming early and maybe staying late. Although they will say that they won’t be able to guarantee your request, they will make a minor note in their system.

This is the most basic trick in the book but also one of the most effective ones. If you succeed, then you get to enjoy the hotel facilities for a few more hours. Whether that’s just an hour or two of extension, it still counts as a win!


Enjoy the Amenities

Once you’re checked-in and settled down, what’s the first thing you do? Surely you won’t spend your whole stay lying in bed and watching television. Although that isn’t a bad option and is actually pretty ideal for people who want peace and quiet, try to venture outside your hotel room and use hotel amenities. They’re there for you to enjoy so you should.

Head to the pool area, relax at the sauna, avail of a massage, have a few drinks at the bar, enjoy a wonderful dinner at the restaurant overlooking a beautiful skyline! Make as many memories as you can with the people you are with so you won’t have any regrets as you head out.


Unplug from the Rest of the World

Every vacation warrants unplugging. Stay away from your smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Go offline for the remainder of your hotel stay and take in every single moment with your loved ones. Focus on them and not on the world beyond the screen. You may only be a few miles away from home, and you may only be staying there for a couple days, but try to treat it as a mini-vacation where you can relax and have fun.

Note that this is only applicable for people who are staying at hotels in Alabang for leisure and not for those who are on business trips. We’re well aware that these people need their devices and will get into pretty deep trouble if they disconnected from the world.


Know What You are Entitled to

Let’s all be honest – we’ve all hoarded toiletry from hotels. Shampoos, conditioners, shaving gels, shower caps, slippers – we know when these things get replaced and we dump them into our luggage before they are. Even as we head to check-out we still look around and see if we missed something. We’re that adamant about getting what’s rightfully ours and getting the most out of our money.

Coordinating with your whole family to collect these items can be a fun experience you can look back on, but it won’t be so fun if one of you accidentally steals something. Limit your hoarding to these sundry items that you rightfully paid for and stay away from remotes and other things that are obviously hotel property.


Splurge a Little

Everybody knows that hotel stays tend to be on the expensive side of things, so make sure your bank accounts are prepared to take a few hits. Although you can enjoy a hotel stay without spending a lot of money, you might find it more fun and memorable if you splurge just a little.

You can order room service, eat at the hotel buffet, order drinks at the bar, and enjoy a few extra meals during the day. These may seem excessive for but there’s no need to feel guilty if they’re well-deserved. Besides, we all need a little pampering every now and then.


Enjoy a Memorable Stay at Vivere Hotel

Looking through different hotels in Alabang and want to find out where the best ones are? Vivere Hotel is the best one for you!

Vivere Hotel offers the best services and is home to a number of impressive facilities. Our rooms are split into 16 different categories that have a unique, nature-inspired interior to help any guest relax and realize their vision of comfort. We also have a pool area for anyone looking to sit by the pool and enjoy the breeze. Won’t you say that this is the best spot for a staycation in Alabang?

Our most notable facility is an iconic rooftop bar and restaurant that hovers 31-stories above the Metro South called The Nest. It flaunts the most breathtaking view of the city sky-line – the perfect place to make the most memorable memories.

It’s not just the view either. We offer a rich selection of international cuisine that will satisfy the most sophisticated palates. You can also pair those stunning meals with the most delightful hand-crafted cocktails that are guaranteed to keep you warm and cozy.

So, what are you waiting for? Dial this number +632 771 7777 to book your reservations now and make the most memorable experiences in the best hotel in Alabang – Vivere Hotel!