The Safest Ways to Celebrate Mother’s Day This 2020

A family celebrating Mother's Day

What are the safest ways to celebrate Mother’s Day this year?

  1. Set up a virtual party
  2. Host a big lunch
  3. Order a meal
  4. Do chores for your mother


This 2020, we’ve had to drastically change the many ways we practice our lifestyles. Now that Mother’s Day is coming up, we have to find safe ways to celebrate Mother’s Day to honor those who have served as a stronghold for the majority of our lives.

At first, it can be a challenge to change the way Mother’s Day is celebrated. However, going out to eat in malls is something that’s out of the question. When celebrating the many occasions that will come up in 2020, safety should always be at the top of the fore. Continue reading to know how you can still celebrate a safe, yet meaningful Mother’s Day this year.


Set Up A Virtual Party

An elderly couple at a virtual party

As mentioned before, large gatherings are out of the question as we begin adapting to this “new normal” we live in. However, this fact should not hamper you from organizing a fun and meaningful Mother’s Day party for your loved one. If you’re living far away from home, a good way to celebrate is by setting up a virtual Mother’s Day party. This has been made possible by dedicated video calling apps that you can use.

Similar to birthday celebrations, you would have to keep in mind the different ways you can keep the virtual party a surprise for your mother. Especially if you have siblings or extended family members who live in different parts of the country or abroad. A good way to organize the celebration is by informing them beforehand. For example, if they’re living in different timezones, find a convenient time for your mother and coordinate with the rest of your family members about the surprise.

Getting everyone together, albeit virtually, will still surely bring a smile to your mom’s face despite the circumstances.


Host A Big Lunch

A table full of dishes

Looking for another way you can give back to your mom on her special day while still maintaining safety precautions at home? Host a big, homemade lunch for her and the entire family. This is the perfect way for you to test and exhibit your cooking skills and cook a delicious, mom-approved meal.

If you think that it’s impossible to whip-up a lovely three-course meal for your mom on this day, then you’re sorely mistaken. Even if you can’t really go outside of your house, you may rummage through your refrigerator and kitchen pantry to cook hearty meals. The unopened pasta box that you’ve had sitting in your cabinet for a while? This is now the best time to cook a simple Pomodoro dish with fresh tomatoes and other produce. On the other hand, you can thaw the frozen poultry, meat, or fish in your freezer to cook simply fried, roasted, or broiled dishes that the entire family will love.


Order A Meal

A woman ordering food online

It may be the case that your kitchen pantry and fridge are both empty. Try as you might, but you may not find any uncooked meals inside your freezer. You don’t have to despair if you really cannot find something to cook inside your kitchen. There are still some available food services you can take advantage of during Mother’s Day.

Since restaurants have had to close down their operations, they’ve begun shifting towards more ergonomic ways of delivering their most-loved dishes. Businesses have also begun taking advantage of food delivery services to have their favorite meals delivered to your doorstep. Keeping this in mind, you can easily order restaurant-quality meals in time for Mother’s Day celebrations.

If your mom is a Japanese food enthusiast, order a ramen kit that you can assemble in the comfort of your own home. You can also order a large meal of her favorite fried chicken. Whatever her preferences are, there are many options to choose from.

When you’re about to receive the delivery, just ensure you’re wearing a facemask and you’re practicing safety protocols during the handover.


Do Chores For Your Mother

A child doing chores for mother's day

Finally, there is no more practical and safer way to celebrate this year’s Mother’s Day than by taking the initiative to do your mother’s daily chores. This is not only a good way of easing the burden of maintaining the house’s cleanliness, but also a way for your whole family to keep themselves clean and hygienic in the house.

Allow your mother to relax on this day and take all the responsibility of house cleaning. For example, instead of letting your mom wash the dishes, allow her to relax and get her much-needed rest from doing all the housework. While you’re at it, you can also make her favorite fruit shake, especially now that it’s summertime. Call in your other family members to divide the tasks. Make sure your mom is moving as little muscle as possible to help her fully enjoy some downtime and relaxation.


Key Takeaway

The special day for all mothers is coming up soon. It may not be feasible to do traditional Mother’s Day celebrations that you’ve done in the past, but you no longer have to worry. There are safe ways to celebrate Mother’s Day while still making it just as meaningful as before. Ultimately, there are many other ways you can safely celebrate this day – you only need to get creative.