8 Steps To Maximize Your Overnight Staycation

8 Steps To Maximize Your Overnight Staycation

How can you maximize your overnight staycation?

  1. Stock up on vacation food
  2. Enjoy a picnic
  3. Ride a bike
  4. TV night
  5. Poolside afternoon
  6. Attend a convention
  7. Splurge
  8. Work on your bucket list


What if you only have one night for your staycation? If you want to experience the most out of an overnight stay, then you should try the best hotels in Alabang.

You may be curious about how you can maximize one night. Can you really do that? Of course, you can. It’s very easy to maximize your overnight stay when you have a concrete plan. Here are some steps you can take to try to maximize your overnight stay.


Stock Up on Vacation Food

Stock Up on Vacation Food

Food is a universal language understood by everyone. To make your overnight stay memorable, try shopping at international grocery stores. Korean and Japanese groceries are great starters. You get to taste global delicacies and beverages without traveling too far. Your city should have at least one international grocery store you can try out. Hoard some foreign snacks to satisfy your cravings during your staycation. It would be great if you’re on a budget, as not everyone can afford room service.


Enjoy a Picnic

Chances are, the area around your hotel has a park. You can choose to set up your own picnic for brunch or an afternoon snack. Prepare your favorites or try out your recently purchased goodies from the international grocery store. To avoid the sweltering heat, it’s best to go for a picnic during brunch time or during the late afternoon for a light meal. This makes sure that you still enjoy your lunch and dinner without ruining your appetite. It’s also much nicer to relax in a quiet area as compared to crowded restaurants.


Ride a Bike

Ride a Bike

If you’ve had a heavy lunch, you can take a few hours off and take a relaxing bike ride around your area. Bike rides can be a great exercise and can also help promote healthy well-being. It also lets you see your city from a different perspective. Riding a bike is a combination of fresh air and nature which can reinvigorate your senses.


TV Night

If you’ve been meaning to catch up on the latest episodes of your favorite TV shows or if you want to binge-watch some of your favorite movies, this is your chance. An overnight stay is the perfect time to binge-watch. You get to eat your favorite snacks and sleep in. To fully maximize your experience, turn off your phone and social media apps for the night while watching.

To get started, you can use the Wi-Fi in your hotel to stream your favorites. You can even browse local channels for movie schedules if you don’t have a concrete plan.


Poolside Afternoon

Poolside Afternoon

Catching up on some sun can be very relaxing. Your hotel will most likely have a well-maintained pool ready for use. Swimming can be a relaxing activity done alone or with your companions. It can also be done at night if you’re interested in night swimming. You can even take a nap by the poolside shade. So relax and melt the stress away with a nice afternoon under the sun.


Attend a Convention

You can attend a local convention to expand your horizons. This can range from food conventions to travel conventions and more. You can discover a lot of things in your local convention halls. You might even be able to grab some unique goods from different locations. Conventions are also great if you want to socialize and learn new things from the booths.

These events also allow you to find the best deals, especially if it’s a bazaar. There are many bazaar conventions every year where you can get great items at affordable prices.




Splurging on shopping should be done moderately. It can definitely be a fun highlight of your overnight staycation. Treat yourself to that outfit you’ve been eyeing or that shoe you’ve been looking for. You’ve worked hard and you deserve to treat yourself every once in a while.

Splurging on a meal that you’ve been craving is another way to treat yourself. Plan ahead and reserve a seat at a restaurant you’ve been dying to go to. Or you can opt for an alternative and go to your hotel’s restaurant.


Work On Your Bucket List

You can work on your bucket list in your free time. Your overnight staycation is the perfect time to cross off some items. It’s your time to have fun and take some time off from your busy work life. Turn off your phone and focus on yourself for a while. An overnight staycation is a great time to focus on what’s important and enjoy the day without any worries.


Key Takeaway

Maximizing your overnight staycation can be done in many ways. These 8 steps are just for starters. This can kick-off a great day that you deserve. The key to having a great overnight staycation is to stay at a hotel like Vivere. Click here to book your own room!