Effective Checklist For Planning Your Next Corporate Event

Effective Checklist For Planning Your Next Corporate Event

How can you seamlessly plan a corporate event?

  1. Set a budget
  2. Establish event essentials
  3. Create a timetable
  4. Narrow down the guest list
  5. Find a venue
  6. Plan the program flow
  7. Reconfirm all arrangements
  8. Reconcile all finances


Corporate events are effective tools commonly used to either market a brand to customers or to showcase services to a company’s stockholders and partners. It can also be used to strengthen internal company relations. There are several key elements that you should know when planning a corporate event, the most important of which is the venue.

Accessibility is always an issue for guests. To make it easier for them to get to the location, choose to hold the event at function rooms in the Alabang area. Here is a useful checklist to help you plan your next corporate event.


Set a Budget

When you set the budget for a corporate event, make sure to strike a balance between overestimating and underestimating. Allow your budget to be flexible and allocate a substantial amount to aspects of the event that require the most out of it. For example, holding an event in a small venue can be discouraging and unimpressive for guests. Go all out with the venue and make sure they provide a great buffet service.


Establish Event Essentials

Establish Event Essentials

Take note that your planning must heavily depend on the objectives of the program. The objectives of corporate events differ substantially, it is not a one size fits all kind of decision. You must first be able to establish the reason why you are holding an event. The essentials of the event must align with your objectives. Here are some of the key elements of an event that you should plan:



While you already know the purpose of the event, you should be able to put into writing its type to know the suitable venue and other relevant aspects.


Establish the event’s goals. At the end of the day, you should take a look at the event metrics. Were you able to gain more consumers? Did you gain the trust of the partners and stockholders? Have your employees gotten to know one another?

Audiences and Guests

Make a list of potential guests to be able to cater to their needs and preferences. Are you inviting leaders? Will your attendees be the company and target consumers? What sort of events do they enjoy?

Date and Time

Once you have determined the type and goal of the event as well as the potential audience, you must establish a prospective date and time. It is best to plot down the possible dates to hold the event.


Create a Timetable

A timetable is different from the program flow. When creating a timetable, you must consider the technicals of the event. The components of a timetable need to include a list of resources to acquire as well as when to obtain each one. The safest duration to plan an event is between three months to one month in advance. You must give leeway for unexpected changes. Avoid getting caught up in situations like overspending, a low turnout, or the sudden pulling out of hired services.


Narrow Down the Guest List

Narrow Down the Guest List

A clearcut event goal will allow you to choose the appropriate target audience. To narrow down the guest list means you only invite the parties concerned so as not to exceed your budget for food and venues. You must steer clear of adding guests who will not benefit from the cause of the event.


Find a Venue

One of the general purposes of a corporate event is to impress your guests. With this, feel free to spend a substantial percentage of your budget on the event venue. There are several vital factors to consider when choosing a venue. To start with, it must be accessible. Select a location where a majority of the guests will have easy access to. Put yourself in the shoes of the guests. You should consider their travel duration and the roads they will take to get to the venue. Another factor is the ambiance of the venue. The place must be conducive to hold a formal discussion and suitable for a particular audience.


Plan the Program Flow

Plan the Program Flow

The most critical parts of the program flow are the introduction and the ending. You must be able to launch the event with a great introduction. Consider planning welcoming remarks from a point person from the company. For the ending, you must be able to provide remarkable words and key takeaways that the audience can bring with them moving forward. In this manner, they will be more enticed to attend your events because they look forward to learning new things. All of these rely on the program flow as well as a good script.


Reconfirm All Arrangements

To make sure that everything that you have planned for will be realized on the day of the event, reconfirm all arrangements. If you hired a sound system service, give them a call or a message to remind them of your appointment. For the booths that you have invited, give out some reminders of the date and time so that they can prepare ahead. Also, align your budget with the forecasted expenses to make sure you do not overspend.


Reconcile All Finances

Reconcile All Finances

At this point, you must already have made arrangements, sent out email invitations, booked a venue and planned out a program flow. The ultimate thing you have to perform is to reconcile all finances. Conduct a post-event debriefing with the key people involved in the event planning. Compile the overall budget, invoices, and profit margin. Typically, this is completed after the event but doing so before the event will provide you with an idea of your expected results.


Key Takeaway

Planning for a corporate event is a tedious and demanding task. To alleviate some of the hassles, plan the event months ahead. Take note that the final step in planning a seamless corporate event is to recount and confirm arrangements. Drop a message to all the hired services and examine the venue where you will be hosting the event. Most venues, like function rooms in Alabang, will allow you to perform a dry run the day before the event.

Click here to book your own room!