Fun Activities for Your Kids in Alabang Hotels

Fun Activities for Your Kids in Alabang Hotels

What are fun activities for your kids at a hotel?

  1. Adventure Touring
  2. Snorkeling
  3. Infinity Pool Party
  4. Indoor Camping Party
  5. Movie and Food Night



When you are in planning to enjoy a vacation with the kids at one of the different Alabang hotels, one of your biggest concerns is keeping them entertained. Fortunately, there are a lot of fun activities that can be done here:



Adventure Touring

Kids rarely get to walk and explore the outdoors in their everyday lives. Therefore, they would appreciate hiking and trekking during vacation. There are establishments that offer trekking tours for their customers with a tourist guide to lead your walk. You and your kids will get to see beautiful sights, plants, and animals. Make sure to bring water, food, extra clothes, and some plastic bags for your kids because the tour will last at least an hour.





If you have kids who love watching sea creatures on TV, why not let them view some during your vacation? Snorkeling involves observing water at shallow depths using a diving mask and snorkel. Unlike diving, you don’t have to worry about them getting lost since it is not very deep and you don’t have to worry about drowning because they can easily go up. Lastly, snorkeling doesn’t require you to swim well.

When you and your kids’ snorkel, everyone gets to view different types of fishes, turtles, and coral reefs. Not only do they have a great time, but they also get to appreciate and learn more about nature’s beauty.



Infinity Pool Party

Kids love infinity pools because they look like they never end. These places are not only great to swim at for them, but they also have a great view for adults like you.

If your child’s birthday comes up, a hotel with an infinity pool can become a great party venue in Alabang. You don’t have to think about games for his friends to enjoy. Right after eating, the guests can just jump into the pool, while you enjoy your time with the other parents

If your kid still wants to have birthday games in the water with prizes, these competitive activities can easily be done:


Coin Dive – Drop a coin to the pool floor and whoever grabs the coin first wins.

Marco PoloKids first chose the Marco who will close his or her eyes through rock paper scissors. The objective of the game is for Marco to tag a kid with eyes closed while the kids try to avoid him or her in the pool. The tagged kid becomes the next Marco.

Ball Race – Throw around 20 small sized balls in the pool. Give the kids 1 minute to gather all the balls, and the kid with the most balls wins.



Indoor Camping Party

Indoor Camping Party

You don’t have to be outdoors to do some camping. If your kids always dreamed of sleeping in a tent, but you are afraid of the dangers outside, you can replicate the same experience outdoors with some preparation at your hotel room.


Prepare a tent – Normal tents cannot be built indoors. Instead, a tent can be made with a large cloth and four hairs. Put each chair on a different side with some space apart, until it becomes a square. Place the large cloth over these chairs. Then place heavy objects, like canned foods, on each chair to secure the blanket. You now have a tent.


Prepare s’mores – Give each of your kids a stick with marshmallow pieces each. Light some small candles. Let your kids make s’mores by toasting their marshmallow stick over the candles.


Story Time Since we are pretending to be outdoors, electronics such as laptops should not be used for entertainment since there is no electricity when you camp. Instead, entertain your kids the traditional way. Through some good old stories. You can even tell you kids some scary ones.


Make the right atmosphere – Whenever people go camping at night, it is always dark with only the stars and flashlights as sources of brightness. Replicate the same atmosphere in your room. Turn off the room lamps and just stick with flashlights. You can also give your kids some glow in the dark wristbands.



Movie and Food Night

In Alabang hotels, your family can spend a night watching movies and eating food inside the hotel during your last day. After you and your kids are done with all of the activities they wanted to do during the hotel stay, spend the last day of vacation just relaxing.

After eating dinner at a restaurant in the hotel, turn your room into a movie theater. Put the beds together, and prepare to watch some movies. You can use the TV or use streaming websites, such as Netflix, to pick films for the who family to watch.



Key Takeaway

When you are with your kids at a hotel, one of your biggest concerns is keeping them entertained. Fortunately, there are a lot of activities to do in a hotel. You can choose to entertain them inside the hotel room by doing indoor camping and movie night. You can also choose to entertain them outdoors by using the swimming pool as a party venue in Alabang for his or her birthday.