How Hotels Are Preparing For The COVID-19 Outbreak

A Wet Floor sign in a hotel

How are hotels preparing for the COVID-19 Outbreak?

  1. Forecasting overall profit
  2. Adjusting pricing strategy
  3. Implementing self-quarantine measures
  4. Thorough cleaning of rooms and facilities
  5. Maintain digital marketing efforts


As of today, there are over 2 million cases of the coronavirus outbreak worldwide and it has significantly impacted the hospitality industry at a dramatic rate. Major global tourism markets are now taking precautionary measures so that they cannot be part of the market crash that can happen from the effects of COVID-19. For hotels, it is imperative that safety measures are put in place so that the whole building is prepared for the outbreak. Here are some examples of how hotels around the world are preparing for the pandemic.


Forecasting Overall Profit

Profit in the form of coins

Recovering from the impact that COVID-19 has made on the hotel industry would not be an overnight process. This will involve further monitoring and evaluation of assets all while taking customer accommodation and cancellation during the period. Having a vision of the overall profit helps hotels plan ahead and allocate sections of their revenue stream in order to evaluate adjustments they have to make in light of the pandemic.

Today, imposed lockdowns have caused event organizers to postpone schedules and customers to cancel reservations. Hotels are preparing to rise up from this challenge by negotiating for a future engagement rather than treating it as a loss. The purpose of forecasting overall profit is to make sure that the hotel will stay afloat even when its cash flow has bled badly during the quarantine. This way, hotels can better serve their guests in the future with an accommodating experience.


Adjusting Pricing Strategy

Hotel receptionist swiping a credit card

It is inevitable that COVID-19 made hotels experience drought in new reservations, especially since the lockdown and strictly-implemented travel restrictions. There are some hotels that have adjusted their pricing strategy to further accommodate guests who would want to have a relaxing stay at a hotel. The global hospitality industry is now at the same pace when it comes to demand since the spread of the pandemic has now become rampant. Fewer guests are traveling to different destinations, which has led to a drop in pricing strategy for some hotels.

However, hotels should approach this strategy with caution since they still have to pay attention to the competitive data and how they can cope up with market trends once the pandemic issues are over.


Hotels Implement Self-quarantine Measures

A woman in self-quarantine at a hotel

Even if there is a travel ban in place, hotels should also consider the fact there are still international guests staying in the country right now. Those who cannot go to their home country and would rather stay here can be welcomed by hotels who open their doors to them. Tourists can be on the lookout for a place to stay and hotels can prepare for those who seek aid at a time like this to implement self-quarantine procedures that will keep staff and guests safe in the building.

The overall demand for hotel accommodation could still be down even after the lockdown is over, but at least there will be measures in place that could address those who seek hotel services. There is also the possibility of hosting quarantine packages which they can use for those who would like to self-isolate during this time. Hotels can reserve specific floors especially for the guests who will avail of this so infection can be contained in that area. Although this is just an example of how hotels around the world are preparing for the pandemic, this can be a viable way to help keep the business going and to accommodate guests as well.


Thorough Cleaning of Rooms and Facilities

A hotel cleaner cleaning hotel room

Strict practices of cleaning have been part of the preparation of hotels, even in a normal setting. Hotels follow major rules about disinfecting their rooms and facilities but it will be stricter now that the pandemic has arrived. Here are just some of the sample measures for cleaning as preparation of hotels:

  1. Disinfectants are applied to all rooms, public spaces, gyms, corporate event venues, and wedding venues.
  2. Additional disinfectants are used for linens and other cloth materials in the rooms.
  3. Always provide disinfectant wipes and alcohol to staff and guests. High touch areas should be disinfected as soon as they come into contact with a person.
  4. Temporarily close holding areas that house meetings or any facility that is made for multiple guests. This will promote social distancing in the hotel as well.


Maintain Digital Marketing Efforts

A man doing digital marketing on a laptop

While the hospitality industry is at a standstill, it is imperative that marketing still remains fruitful for the remainder of the period. Digital marketing is one way that you can ensure this. While it is a flexible method of marketing, it is also very affordable. Maintaining your online presence can prove to be very beneficial for hotels. The hospitality industry will definitely roll back once this is over so it is important that you keep your focus and remain steadfast to achieve your goals for the hotel.


Key Takeaway

While it takes a lot for a hotel to prepare amidst the pandemic, these are important measures to reduce the risk of infection among guests and staff. There will be new adjustments that may prove to be challenging to implement, but it will be worthwhile once you see that the hotel is doing its part to help people during this crisis.