The Perks of Experiencing Hotel Cuisine

The Perks of Experiencing Hotel Cuisine

 What are the perks of experiencing hotel cuisine?

  1. Innovative, World-Class Cuisine 
  2. Unique Ambiance
  3. Breakfast Buffet


Aside from a nice bedroom and complete amenities that can suppress any given person’s boredom, food can be a somewhat overlooked factor when it comes to considering a hotel stay. The best local hotels offer some of the most delicious food and cuisine anyone can experience, but in-house hotel restaurants are not as popular or as in-demand as normal stand-alone restaurants. That shouldn’t be the case.

What many people aren’t aware of is that hotels can provide some of the best culinary experiences available, and people should start taking advantage of that. To convince you, here are the perks of experiencing hotel cuisine.


Innovative, World-class Cuisine

Innovative, World-Class Cuisine

The main attraction and perk of eating at any hotel restaurant is and should be innovative, world-class cuisine. That should be no surprise as hotels and most businesses in the hospitality sector have a standard when it comes to food preparation and service.

Innovative and world-class are a couple of words that are usually associated with hotel cuisine mainly because of the said standard that is regularly monitored by the management and local agencies like the FDA and DOT alike. Let’s take a look at both words separately to fully illustrate why hotel cuisine is awesome.

Food in hotels is pushed to be innovative due to the stiff competition they are facing from outside restaurants, and the level of gastronomical talent hotel management is putting behind the kitchen. Without innovative food to incentivize people from eating inside the hotel itself, then the experience of staying in one would be greatly diminished. Most hotels always try to offer something on their menus or buffets that would not be available elsewhere.

When it comes to the word ‘world-class’, the best local hotels make it a point to offer international cuisines from different regions of the world to give a dynamic range of options to any would-be customer. Combined with some local favorites, a hotel restaurant’s offerings should be able to give a taste of different cultures and styles to both local and foreign customers.

In accordance with the previous statements, it is also important to mention that chefs that operate a hotel restaurant usually have the highest level of training and expertise when it comes to food. Many hotel head chefs have probably studied cooking in different countries, and have experience being a chef for different fine-dining, gourmet restaurants. As a testament to most hotel management’s commitment to a wonderful dining experience, it is also not uncommon for hotels to have a star-studded head chef backed by a world’s worth of experience.


Unique Ambiance

Aside from the wonderful food being offered, another perk of experiencing hotel cuisine is the unique ambiance that can only be felt when eating at a hotel. It makes its distinctions from eating at home, at a mall, or in a standalone restaurant for several reasons.

Usually, the size of hotel restaurants is much larger than your conventional restaurants especially when they offer a buffet. You can find yourself having a good walk back and forth around a buffet during meal times. The large size is also usually partnered with an architectural and interior design that matches the theme of the hotel. From your room down to the lobby and even the restaurant, you can be sure that the furniture, walls, pillars, and even the paintings have a consistent theme to it that contributes to the overall ambiance. Some hotels even provide a lovely view if their restaurant is located on the upper floors.


Breakfast Buffet

Breakfast Buffet

Another somewhat unique feature hotel cuisine has to offer is the breakfast buffet. It’s usually hard to find a breakfast buffet anywhere outside a hospitality business like an inn or a hotel, and if you’ve tried eating in one, you know that it is simply awesome. Salads, different types of cooked eggs, unlimited bacon and a wide variety of bread and drinks are just some of the interesting features of a breakfast buffet.


The Nest: Best Cuisine in the South

If you don’t have much experience with hotel cuisine and are interested in giving it a go, then you can try eating at The Nest in Vivere’s hotel’s iconic rooftop bar and restaurant. World-class food, a unique ambiance thanks to the rooftop setting with a breathtaking view, and a great breakfast buffet to boot with all the bacon you can ask for, The Nest is a prime example of astounding hotel cuisine with a great overall experience.


Key Takeaway

There are many great things about hotel cuisine and they’re not limited to the perks listed above. Just like in The Nest at Sky Vivere’s hotel, there are plenty of other factors to look forward to when eating at an in-house hotel restaurant. Next time you have a chance, don’t hesitate to give it a try. You just might find the culinary experience you’ve been searching for. Book a room at Vivere to experience world-class cuisine, click here!