Wedding Tips: How to Maximize Your Budget

Be Prepared to Make Adjustments

How can you maximize your wedding budget?

  1. Be prepared to make adjustments
  2. Make your own invitations
  3. Hire an all-in-one caterer
  4. Limit your guest list
  5. Use in-season flowers
  6. Downsize the bar


There are a lot of factors in planning a wedding that can unnecessarily force you to shell out more money. From venues to wedding invitations, there are ways to maximize your wedding budget. Hotels in Alabang have cost-friendly services, but some couples may want to do things on their own to save even more. Here are some wedding tips on how to maximize your budget:


Be Prepared to Make Adjustments

Planning a wedding is never straightforward and simple. You may have drawn out initial plans and decided to stick with it but usually, wedding plan timelines are never fixed. Be flexible and allocate some allowances for your budget because you may stumble across some hurdles along the way.

To avoid making too many major changes that might delay your wedding plan timeline, keep things simple. Choose a simple theme, hold your wedding on off-season dates, and if you plan on hiring a DJ, you can appoint a friend or family member to monitor a Spotify playlist or music from your own files.


Make Your Own Invitations

You can cut a huge margin of costs by making your own invitations. If ever you have your own quality printer, then all it will really cost you is some ink and your own time. If you don’t then you can make the invitation yourself and have a printing service print your invitations for you.

When you think about it, it seems pretty excessive if you’re going to spend a lot on your wedding invitations. You can keep things simple and minimalist instead. Sometimes, you don’t even need any graphics because using attractive and classy typefaces would do.


Hire an all-in-one Caterer

There are a lot of wedding venues in Alabang, if you’re looking around and start comparing prices and realize that the costs of catering services are too heavy on your wallet; you might want to go for an all-in-one caterer. Having to spend on separate services for linen, food, the bar, and servers may be costly.

Hire an all-in-one Caterer

A good reason why you should consider hiring an all-in-one caterer is for some added convenience. These services usually have a package that covers the bar, table cloth and chair linen, food, servers, and sometimes, the ever important wedding cake. With that check off your wedding things to take care off, you can focus on hiring a photographer, DJ, and venue. Hotels in Alabang usually offer some wedding packages that can fit any wedding budget.


Limit your Guest List

You may want everyone to come to your very special day but this can put a significant dent on your budget. It’s tempting to put every single person you know on your guest list. The more the merrier, right? But if you want to make the most out of your wedding budget, you’re going to have to cut some of those people off your list.

As your guest list grows, your cost does as well. Focus on inviting friends that matter the most to you. Limit the number of plus one’s your guests will bring. If it’s their partners, that’s okay. But if they’re going to take with them someone you don’t know, then that isn’t going to be a good idea. Ask them who they’ll be taking with them to your wedding. Keeping the guest list limited to close friends and family members will make the whole experience more intimate.


Use In-season Flowers

If you have some ideal flowers that you think will fit perfectly with your wedding’s theme, but they’re not in-season, then it’s best to look for another alternative. Buying off-season flowers will put a large dent in your budget. Sure, vibrant tropical flowers may seem like the perfect addition to enhance your wedding’s theme, but the costs might affect your financial allocations.

Use In-Season Flowers

If you have a florist, ask for on-season flowers that will go well with the color palette of your wedding. As for the prices or at least an estimate on how much buying such flowers would cost. Whether your flowers are fancy color popping ones or cheaper alternatives that match your theme, no one would really notice it. Best to go with the latter option.


Downsize the Bar

We all want people to have fun, relax, and enjoy the company of one another during our wedding. That’s the main reason why newlyweds hire bars and bartenders. It’s their job to help people loosen up and have fun. You may think that spending on a premium bar will be worth every centavo. But in fact, you don’t need a huge bar.

Wedding venues in Alabang usually offer packages on bars and anything that involves alcoholic drinks; but, you don’t have to spend for an expensive bar for one night, to get the job done. In most cases, a small bar with the right drinks will do the trick.


Key Takeaway

Weddings aren’t cheap, but we can always find ways to cut unnecessary costs. When you maximize your wedding budget, you can end up saving more cash for other things you guys may need. You can have a memorable and fantastic wedding even when you’re on a budget. The experience of your wedding doesn’t rely on how much you spend on it; what matters is how you make use of what you have.